Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Besides the fact that I think school is a big fat waste of time, the only other reason why I don't like school even more is because of my peers. I really don't understand how people can be so full of themselves. Like today during our less than 1 hour sectional after school, the only people complaining were the leaders. JUST SUCK IT UP. It wasn't even that bad, and obviously we wouldn't have a sectional in the first place if we could actually play. I mean yeah, it's annoying how Mr. Laging has no life and expects our lives to revolve around band, band, and some more band, but it's not like the complainers had anything better to do.

Rant number 2: Why do some people find it so hard to wish others happiness? It's ok to tell a friend, "No! What you're doing is wrong," and for him/her to do something 10 times worse. I'll keep this vague since my rant revolves around one person.

I'm not going to be so fake anymore. Not as in Laura Kung fake, but as in being super kind to people who are jerks and don't deserve it.

I've been having really good days. I broke all of my lent, but I'm still going to keep it up.

I want a 24 pass now!!! My love handles are embarrassing. =(

This is one of my favorite pictures.
We're all sweaty and ugly =)

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