Saturday, February 23, 2008

H0w L4m3!!!!!!!11

Lamest Thing I Heard:
w iL L1E xP
(11:02:00 PM):
you have to comment my blog
nicebonbons (11:02:30 PM): y
w iL L1E xP (11:02:53 PM): because i want to read a comment
w iL L1E xP (11:02:56 PM): and no one comments me

I've decided that instead of getting baptized this Easter, I'm going to wait. There's no reason to rush and do it this spring break, plus, I've only gone to GCCI less than 10 times. I want to get to know everyone before I give my testimony. I'm sort of bummed out with my decision, but I gave it a lot of thought. I guess everything that's worth while should be worth the wait!

On a brighter note, I had an interesting day. I wish I had a camera with me when I was in Marc Jacobs. Honestly, I saw the most hideous "dresses" and "shirts" for $300+, and wondered who in the world would buy them. I'm going to go back one day, and make a documentary about how people are addicted and sick in the head for splurging on tacky clothes. I'll admit that some things were nice looking, but most I made fun of.

I love crunchy roll and cheesecake! :)

And when I move into my dorm, I'm gonna go back to the..

and buy some of Todd's funny posters.

I'm too tired to finish my entry. SO GOOD BUY.

1 comment:

LAEU Alumni said...

all you need is to take pictures of guys at school and you get a wall full of 'stupid posters'

It's fine, I'm glad you thought about it. If you feel that you are not ready, then you are not ready. This only means you will have time to row and bloom this Spring! =D

Wait on God. =D