Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Three Essential F's in Life

Number 1: Family
This one is, as my best friends would say, very "questionable" (well, at least for me right now). It's funny because today marks my third week, or rather third Sunday, attending church. I've been absolutely loving the sermons. They've all made me laugh out loud and were very memorable. So far, I've cried every time I've gone to church, but not because I was depressed, but because I was just so grateful, as cheesy as that sounds. When it was prayer time, Andrew immediately grabbed my hands and held them tightly. Then he started praying FOR ME. I realized that even when Andrew annoys me whenever he over-teases me, I still love him. He was the one who lead me the way to church, and without him, I would be the same girl who didn't care about going to church, but still considered herself to be labeled as a "Christian". Anyways, back to the main point. Although my real family seems to be broken, church has become my new family. Every week, we are asked to confess, either it be sins or something in our life that needs mending. I feel guilty for not opening up to anyone, especially at church where I know everyone will listen and pray for me, but I just feel that I'm not ready to tell these unfamiliar faces my life story. Maybe another day, but not any time soon. I'm surprised that I'm not even sad over my dad's poor judgment, but I. Just. Don't. Care! I guess it's both good and bad, but whatever. As my boyfriend says it.."I'll live."

Number 2: Friends
One thing that I don't think anyone in this world deserves to live without is friends. I have friends, but the ones dear to my heart are, of course, my best friends. I'd have to say that I'm pretty let down by my own best friends. I always managed my friends well and made sure that I didn't hang out with anyone who would be detrimental to my education, life, and most importantly, me. I share a rather..weird?..relationship with my male best friends. I see countless flaws in them, but I still love them to death. Even when it comes down to them losing their virginity, but I guess it's just a natural temptation that they just couldn't resist. I feel foolish for being so naive this entire time, but when I found out, I grew completely hateful towards them. I've cooled down after some long ranting. I even see many flaws within my boyfriend, but I see past all that and still love him and my best friends. I hope that everyone in this world meets their one "besty" or "BFFF" because being able to communicate through subtle notions like a quick glance and knowing that your significant best friend understands these notions is just funny and amazing. So it all comes down to Elizabeth, Wilson, Chris and Carder. I absolutely love them.

Number 3: Food
Don't laugh because it's true. You need food to live! Duh. =) But seriously, food is wonderful. I've spent nearly all my money on food this past week (and maybe the weeks before). One of the best feelings is when you satisfy yourself after a craving. Food always makes me happy..unless I intake too much of it, but other than that, I always find myself delighted when I eat. Gaud, I sound like an obese mother effer so I'll keep this section short. I had CPK yesterday with Wilson. Mm, I loved the pizza and pasta. And I had yogurt three times this week. 5-7 dollars each time..and it's just YOGURT. So you get the point. I love food.

Aside from the three F's..

I got asked to Winter Formal yesterday by Wilson like this:

We were watching Love Actually on Thursday, and I guess he took note of the scene when I said it was cute. I'm not that excited for Formal, but maybe because finals are this week. Killed ittt!

I think I'm going to write in this thing for reals this time. I need to keep a track of my daily life so that when I'm old and saggy..I'll reminisce and laugh/cry/smile.

Good night/morning!

1 comment:

LAEU Alumni said...

I only tease you because I think of you like a sister, and that's what siblings do. =)

I always pray for you, to become stronger each day.