Saturday, February 16, 2008


After hanging out with Liz and reading her blog, I felt like updating, so here I go..

I'm so thankful for Elizabeth. I really have no effing idea what I'd be doing if I didn't have her in my life. The best feeling with any friendship or relationship is being able to feel comfortable. Hell, we can even fart in front of each joke. I think even more importantly is that we see eye to eye. Sometimes I think this is so weird, but whatever I think, she says, and vice versa. It's like ESPN or something. I enjoy her company in everything we do, even when it's nothing. <3

I feel really bad that I already broke lent about 4 times, but I'm going to strive to follow my no fast food/sodas/candy rule. It's going to be a long 34 more days..

From now on, I'm going to try and post a picture every time I update. Today's picture was taken on the way home from Harvest Crusade. I really like it because we're all laughing whole-heartedly. =)


LAEU Alumni said...



BTW, I broke lent like, every day..but I don't cuss much anymore!

Jayun said...

I love you.